
Real Name: Kathleen Lalic
Japanese Name: Hasegawa Airi (長谷川愛理)
Korean Name: Jung Hyun Jae (정현재)

Birthday: July 28, 1991

Ichiban: Yabu Kota
Niban: Lee Jin Ki/Onew
Sanban:  Sato Takeru

Fandom: J-Pop, K-Pop, J-Actresses, J-Actors, J-Dramas, Anime,
Western Pop, Western Country, Western RnB
Interests: Reading Mystery books (JD Robb's "in Death" series), Watching Mystery dramas (Criminal Minds, Supernatural), Writing fictions, Internet surfing, Fangirling, Reading random stuff, Watching random channels, Blogging

Something interesting about me: I am a born Leo and so far, I think my personality is perfectly of a Leo's. Well, I'll have to confirm about this more in the future though. :)

Real Name: Althea Cipres
Japanese Name: Hideki Aya

Birthday: November 4, 1992

Ichiban: Takaki Yuya/Akanishi Jin
Niban: Inoo Kei
Sanban: Yamada Ryosuke/Okamoto Keito

Fandom: JPop, JRock
Interests: Books, Games, Texting, Listening to Music, Collecting Stuffed Toys

Something interesting about me: Know me yourself:P

Real Name: Jermie Bernas
Japanese Name: Yoshikawa Yui (吉川由衣)
Korean Name: Kim Eun Hee (김은혜희)

Birthday: September 20, 1993

Ichiban: Inoo Kei
Niban: Miura Haruma
Sanban: Yaotome Hikaru

Fandom: JPop, KPop

Something interesting about me: 

Japanese Name: Yamashita Michiyo

Birthday: September 27, 1995

Ichiban: Morimoto Ryutaro
Niban: Chinen Yuri

Fandom: JPop, J-Rock, KPop (a little), Bollywood
Interests: Singing, Dancing, Writing Stories, Listening to Music, Playing games, Internet surfing, Chatting, Making friends, Watching, Sleeping, Eating, etc.

Something interesting about me: You judge me :)